segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2009

Can't talk, I'm on the phone

[M]obile multi-tasking is the plague of the day. You know the score: you are talking to a colleague and their eyes constantly flicker towards the BlackBerry for incoming e-mails. You are holding a meeting and half the staff are texting under the table. You are hoping for a hot date - as Jennifer Aniston, the American actress, was recently - and your boyfriend is hitting on Twitter, not you.

These are symptoms of OMD, obsessive mobile disorder, and the dread disease CPA, continuous partial attention, in which victims come to believe that life via mobile might be more interesting than life right in front of them.

Sunday Times


1 comentário:

  1. *sigh*

    Pronto, ok, eu admito, sofro um bocado deste problema. Basta ver como até a trabalhar tenho o msn ligado no telemóvel... xuif xuif :$


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